
Solving the database hassle.

Opening the can of worms that is data management.Mon Aug 08 2022 08:12:07

I can't remember how many times I was bugged down by the issue of data storage. It seems like a relatively simple problem to solve: write data, read data: end of story. But ... not so fast. Turns out there's no simple way to solve this issue.

The Issue

Working on a serious project requires at least two different database environments. Your local environment, and the server environment. For the most part, you have to keep both environments in sync: database schemas created on your dev environment have to be created on the server. Little Changes like updating the name of a table field will have to be done in two places. Many such micro-changes add up: and in no time it becomes burdensome.

The solution: Cloud ... ?

The easiest solution would be to store your data on the cloud. This way you only need to set up one environment. But this introduces a few more issues of its own: if you can't set it up yourself, you would more than likely be paying for cloud services at some point. The thing is, most cloud storage services appear to create even more problems than they solve. I tried google and mongo atlas and soon ran out of my trial. Also ran out of patience dealing with those micro issues that all developers know too well. I tried contentful but ran into issues with my first account. The second account seems to be working ok: but I'm not going to put a lot of trust in it. Well, at least not until they come for my wallet.

The real solution.

I found it strange that there wasn't one reliable cloud-based system that solved all my DB needs. That's why I created datasquirel. With datasquirel, all my database needs are in one place. I use SQL and relational database software MYSQL: datasquirel uses direct SQL queries together with a simple REST API integration: designed to limit latency while delivering the same reliability SQL has been known for all these years. No need to bother learning a new way of interacting with a data store. Just learn the most used database querying language: if you already know it, this would be a breeze for you. In addition, datasquirel provides a store for images: using NGINX to deliver static files as quickly as possible: together with a built-in image compressing algorithm which saves you bytes and speeds up your loading. Now, you can create a dozen projects and store data and files in one place, and retrieve them from any environment, at any time.



Dealing with data in a project is a real hassle: datasquirel might just be the real game-changer that takes that entire burden off your shoulders.
