My Skills
A summary of the vast array of tools I've mastered over the yearsDevops
Server management, deployment, and automationServer Management
Server management, deployment, and automationLinuxDockerShell ScriptingKubernetesTerraformAWSHetznerAzureGoogle CloudDebianUbuntuAlpine...
Email Server Setup
Self Hosted Email solution. Setup and Deployment.LinuxDockerMailinaboxHetzner
DNS Configuration
Domain names setup, configuration, and security.Cloudflare DNSCloudflare Zero TrustCloudflare Registry
Web Servers and Reverse Proxies
Web Server Configuration and deployment. Plus SSL Certificates provisioning.NGINXNode JSBun JSCertbotLet's Encrypt
Continuous Integration and Deployment
Self hosted and managed solutions for deployment and continuous integrationCoolifyVercelGithub RunnersGitea RunnersDokploy
Customer Service
Self hosted and managed solutions for handling customersChatwootTidio
Full Stack
Frontend and Backend developmentServer Development
Easy development and development of Web servers and APIsNode JSBun JSShell ScriptPython
API Development and Integration
Developing custom APIs and integrating existing APIs from external servicesAPIRESTAPI DevelopmentData Fetching
React JS
Development of React JS applications for the webReactNext JSViteReact HooksFunctional Components
HTML and CSS Development for the webHTML 5CSS 3SCSSLessTailwind CSS
Database Development and ManagementMySQLMariadbPostgreSQLMongoDBRedisSQLiteFirebaseSupabasePrismaMongoose
User Authentication
User Authentication and AuthorizationGoogle LoginGithub LoginNext AuthFirebaseCloudflare Zero TrustClerk
Software Development
Application development for server, desktop, and webNode Modules Development
Development of Node Modules for server, desktop, and web. Deployed on NPM package registry.Node JSBun JSShell ScriptingRsync
Shell Scripting
Development of shell scripts for automation and task executionShell ScriptBash ScriptingGNU/Linux